Dear Kuman,
Happy New Year and Namaste. It has been more than a month since the Team Tim returned home from the experience of a lifetime—organized by you and your company. It was such an amazing trip with so many different aspects to it. We started our adventure in Nepal where you and I first met, then quickly off to Bhutan, and eventually back to Nepal and home. The trip you organized for us contained so many different elements--- hiking, rafting and learning about the cultural aspects of the two countries. It was an organizational nightmare, but everything ran so smoothly under your direction. Tim, Viv and I commented about how smooth the transition was between each activity and country. It really was one of our best adventures.
I was so impressed with the way in which the guides took such very good care of us. They were all so happy to teach us about Buddhism, their country and their politics. I thought it very special how you joined us on the trekking part of the trip. You also went that extra mile when we rafted in Nepal. You followed our route and met us at each stop along the way to feed us, take pictures, carry our “stuff”, or whatever else our team of 6 needed. We all became family ----Lakendra, you, and the 3 Canadian and 3 American travellers.
I know that you and Tim had thousands of emails between you as you planned this extensive trip. Tim you knew from his last trip. He was thrilled that you had opened your own office and that he was able to have you and Lakenda organize and guide the trip respectively.
I would be privileged to serve as a reference for you if a potential client requests it. You receive a five start rating from me.
Thanks again,